The Borough of West Long Branch embarked on an aggressive expansion of its police facility last year. A new police station is currently in the process of construction just behind the West Long Branch Municipal Court on Broadway. The projected final cost of the station is approximately $3,000,000.
One might ask why I would report on this news? The honest truth is that I anticipate an increased “police presence” in future months to which the public should be mindful. While the West Long Branch Municipal Court is already busy, presiding over not only tickets and criminal complaints issued in the community, but all those issued by the university police at Monmouth University as well. This includes all of the underage drinking, possession of alcohol by a minor, disorderly persons and marijuana possession charges issued at the college. Now that the town has spent so much money on a new headquarters, you can fully expect the volume of charges heard in West Long Branch Municipal Court to grow. Those who are easy targets, including college students, should keep this heads up in mind.